How to Have a Quiet Time

How to Have a Quiet Time
Tabernacle Baptist Church -  Pastor Jon Beck

When you commit your life to Jesus Christ, you begin a new relationship with Him. You become one of His children. You enter into a permanent relationship with God. This relationship with God enables you to have fellowship with Him.  Although your relationship with God is constant, your fellowship with Him will vary with your availability to His leadership and Lordship. A Quiet Time is a way of maintaining fellowship with God and evaluating your lifestyle.  A Quiet Time is a way of building spiritual strength, becoming more sensitive to God's leadership, and applying His Word to your actions.

Two Essential Steps for Getting Started
1. Make a Commitment to Observe a Daily Quiet Time
Decide that your Quiet Time will be your first priority each day. Decide that each morning or evening you will avoid thoughts like, "After a while, I will have my quiet time. But first, I must ..."
2. Develop a Plan for Observing Your Daily Quiet Time.
It is suggested that you schedule your Quiet Time in the morning. Beginning your day with God can and will make a real difference in your life (Mark 1:35). Decide where you will have your quiet time. You may choose a particular place in your room. When weather permits, you may want to go outdoors. Your quiet time place should be as free from distractions as possible. Choose a place where you can read your Bible and make notes.

My Quiet Time place will be: __________________________________
One thing you must do if your Quiet Time is to succeed … Keep on keeping on!  If you miss lunch, do you quit eating altogether? Of course not! If you miss your Quiet Time one day, start again the next day.

If you have trouble getting up on time, analyze the problem. Are you going to bed early enough? Should you change some things about your daily schedule? If you don't feel like getting out of bed, put one foot on the floor and go from there. Ask yourself, "If I stay in bed and miss my Quiet Time, how will I feel about it this afternoon? Tonight? Tomorrow?"
Realize that some Quiet Times will be more meaningful than others. Don't expect every Quiet Time to be a spiritual high. If possible, have one or two prayer partners to encourage you. Be honest with one another. Confess to one another when you miss a day. Support one another in prayer and discuss ways you can each be more consistent in having a Quiet Time.
Jesus spent time with His Heavenly Father, seeking fellowship, strength, and guidance. If God's Son needed to spend time with Him, how much more do you need to spend time with Him? Having a Quiet Time, you will become more like Christ as you follow His example and as you receive His power through prayer and the Word.
Part 1: Getting in His Word – Bible Study
Begin your Quiet Time by reading a passage of Scripture. Select and read a daily passage prayerfully, asking God to speak to you as you read it.

As you read ask the Lord to call to your attention any:
  • examples to follow
  • attitudes to change
  • commands to obey
  • errors to confess
  • sins to quit
  • promises to claim
  • truths to embrace

Remember to Read the Word, Mediate on the Word, and then Apply the Word into your life. Use a notebook to make a record of the insights you gain as God speaks to you through His Word.

Part 2: Talking to God - Prayer
As you talk to God each day, be sure your conversation covers these five areas:
1. Praise
Praise is closely related to thanksgiving, but there is a difference. Praise is adoring God for who He is. Thanksgiving is thanking God for what He has done. Praise is showing love to God; thanksgiving is expressing gratitude. God is to be praised for His character. He is to be thanked for His actions.

Begin your prayer by praising God. For example, "I love You, God. I praise You for being who You are."

2. Confession
  • Ask the Lord to make you aware of any sins that are hurting your fellowship with Him.
  • Confess each sin individually to the Lord.
  • Agree with God that the sin is wrong.
  • Express your desire to avoid these sins in the future.
  • Claim by faith His forgiveness.
  • Right the wrong to whatever extent you can.
  • Accept by faith the fact that you are totally cleansed (1 John 1:9)

3. Thanksgiving
Express your thankfulness for specific things. Cultivate a general attitude of thankfulness whatever the circumstance (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

4. Intercession – Praying for Others

Pray for the needs of other people. In your mind draw together God and the person in need. God's grace will meet the needs of that person.

5. Petition – Praying for Yourself
  • Pray for spiritual growth.
  • Pray for your material needs.
  • Share with God the desires of your heart and trust Him to respond in the best possible way.

Be willing to act on your prayers. For example, if you pray that a friend will recover from grief over a relative who has died, be willing to share words of encouragement and deeds of love with that friend.

Majority of the material is from Lifeway Christian Resources. Excerpted from “Disciple Helps.” With additional content and material provided by Pastor Jon Beck of Tabernacle Baptist Church.

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